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44 名前:Anti Spam Project 2006/10/27 22:39 ID:LkyVKYrJ [URL]
Dear webmaster or site owner, this message is automatically delivered to you from http://www.antispamproject.info/ . If you see this message on your site or in your mailbox, this means that one of the web forms on your site is open for spammers. If you see one of the links below, this means that you are using one of standard type of link treatment and your site becomes the aim for spammers in near future, or it is already. Our goal is to notify you of weak forms before spam robots find your site. There are no advertisements neither in message nor on our site. Go directly to our site, to know more on how to protect your forms. Message id: msgidv2yqb Links: http://www.antispamproject.info/first/ second [url=http://www.antispamproject.info/third/] third [/url]


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