1.      The scientist was so prestigious that even most surprising claims went unchallenged.

2.      Since the end of World War II, some developed countries which have been consuming more energy than they have been producing.

3.      To prevent damage from heavy snow, the houses in northern countries have steeper roots than that in southern countries.

4.      The faster the machine, much oil it needs to reduce friction between parts..

5.      A case

6.      workerfs job involves talking with people in need, try to find solutions to their problems, and helping them get assistance from the government.

7.      Mr. McLaglen spent his last vacation visiting old friends, watched movies he had missed, reading and just relaxing.

8.      The laboratory in New Jersey is most valuable of all the property Pan Won Chemical owns.

9.      Agricultural machinery tool manufacturers will assemble for its annual convention in Oklahoma.

10.  Every senior executive made e-business a part of their presentations and speeches.

11.  Of the three products in which the company found defects, two have been recalled, but another is still on the market.

12.  During a visit to Europe I discovered it, by accident, that European employees were not receiving all of my company-wide e-mails.

13.  Employees who transfer to a foreign country often have trouble accustoming himself to its environment and culture.

14.  The night school offers as the same courses as the day school does.

15.  I spoke to other candidate later that week, but I decided Jerry was the right person.

16.  This approach may very well have been a new innovation when it was created.

17.  Nick was on this second foil when I stepped to the table and, as polite as I could in front of his team, switched off the projector.

18.  Pensions, medical benefits, employee country clubs, a commitment to lifelong employment, outstanding educational opportunities --- all were among best of any United States company.

19.  We made four major changes to our compensation system, and Ifll describe it in a moment.

20.  In this case, I never believed the problem was the simple as complacency or entitlement, though there were elements of both present when I arrived.

21.  Summer temperatures in the central part of the State are much higher than the coastal area.